
配资平台哪个好 0126 Motu Teta|南太平洋上的伊甸园

配资平台哪个好 0126 Motu Teta|南太平洋上的伊甸园


关注「岛鸣国际 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


如果您正在寻求一个远离喧嚣的隐秘天堂,Motu Teta无疑是一个理想的选择。

If you are seeking a secluded sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle, Motu Teta is undoubtedly the ideal choice.

Motu Teta位于法属波利尼西亚土阿莫土群岛中的朗吉罗阿环礁,距离塔希提岛东北约200英里。从塔希提岛出发,乘坐约1小时的航班即可到达朗吉罗阿机场,随后乘船约75分钟即可抵达岛屿。朗吉罗阿主岛提供药店、银行和医疗等基本生活设施,确保岛屿的日常需求得到保障。

Located in the Rangiroa Atoll of the Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia, Motu Teta lies approximately 200 miles northeast of Tahiti. From Tahiti, a one-hour flight will bring you to Rangiroa Airport, followed by a 75-minute boat ride to the island. Rangiroa’s main island offers essential services such as pharmacies, banks, and medical facilities, ensuring the island's daily needs are well-supported.


Spanning 8 acres, Motu Teta is a flat island covered with lush tropical vegetation, untouched by industrial pollution or human activity. It is surrounded by crystal-clear waters and boasts pristine white sandy beaches. The surrounding waters are teeming with vibrant tropical fish, making it an ideal destination for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts.


The architecture on Motu Teta seamlessly blends traditional Tahitian style with modern comforts, incorporating rich hardwoods, airy open beams, and open wooden shutter windows. The main villa spans approximately 2,250 square feet and includes two master bedrooms with king-size beds, a third bedroom with a single bed, two bathrooms, a spacious living room, dining area, and a fully equipped kitchen. Just steps from the water, it offers stunning ocean views.


Additionally, the island features a 765-square-foot guest bungalow, which includes a main bedroom with a king-size bed, a sectioned-off second bedroom with futon bed, a bathroom, a wet bar, and ample storage space. The island can accommodate up to six adults or ten guests (including children), making it ideal for families or small groups.

Motu Teta的基础设施完善,包括雨水蓄水池、太阳能电池板、两台发电机(其中一台为备用)、一辆拖拉机以及几艘船只,满足岛屿日常运营和交通的需求。尽管目前主别墅和浮桥需要进行一定的翻修,岛上的其他住宅区域仍保持完好,设施可继续使用。

Motu Teta is equipped with essential infrastructure, including a rainwater collection system, solar panels, two generators (one as a backup), a tractor, and several boats for daily operations and transportation. While the main villa and dock require some refurbishment, the other residential areas remain in excellent condition and can continue to be used immediately.

作为一处私密的度假岛屿,Motu Teta提供的是一种近乎“伊甸园”般的生活体验。这里没有现代生活的压力与喧嚣,只有与大自然的和谐共生。虽然维护这样一座岛屿的成本较高,但它所带来的宁静与独特体验无疑是值得的。

As a private island retreat, Motu Teta offers an unparalleled “Eden-like” living experience. It is free from the pressures and distractions of modern life, allowing you to fully embrace the harmonious connection with nature. While maintaining such an island comes with high costs, the tranquility and unique experience it offers are well worth the investment.

Motu Teta非常适合那些寻求与世隔绝、充满自然魅力的岛屿投资机会的高端买家。该岛为永久产权私人岛屿,目前售价为200万欧元。如有兴趣,欢迎私信咨询(微信号:GD-Karen)。

Motu Teta is perfectly suited for high-end buyers seeking a secluded, nature-filled island investment opportunity. This island comes with freehold title and is currently listed for €2,000,000. For more details or inquiries, please feel free to reach out (WeChat: GD-Karen).


Thank you for your time. Until next time!



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